If you want to switch web hosting providers and you don't have lots of experience or time, you could find it challenging to move your content. Migrating an HTML site involves uploading small files to the new web server, therefore it may be simpler, but moving a script-driven site, especially a custom-built one, and linking it to the database on the new Internet hosting platform or migrating databases and emails may be pretty irritating tasks for some people. As a result, many users are stuck with a hosting provider which offers a bad hosting service just because they don't know how they can migrate their content to a different provider safely and securely while keeping the design and functionality of their websites unchanged. In this light, our web hosting packages feature an Internet site migration service, that's completely free of charge, and that will save you a substantial amount of time and efforts because you will not need to do anything on your end.

Assisted Website Migration in Shared Web Hosting

You can take advantage of this totally free service irrespective of the shared web hosting package deal you have picked and you'll be able to contact us as soon as your new account has been set up. There will not be a problem for our support team to migrate even several websites provided that you've opted for a package in which you are able to host more than a single domain name. When they are done with the migration to our innovative cloud Internet hosting platform, they'll examine if everything is operating properly before they inform you that you are able to change the name servers of your domain as to point it to our web servers. We can move any Internet site which runs on a LAMP machine and is not created on a closed platform like Yola or Wix where we cannot access the website files to copy them. This includes not just popular platforms such as WordPress or Moodle, but also any custom Internet site. When you take advantage of our migration service, we can easily set everything up within 24 to 48 hours, so you are able to start using our platform in no time.

Assisted Website Migration in Semi-dedicated Servers

If you wish to start using our Internet hosting services and you get a semi-dedicated server account, you are able to contact our tech support whenever your account is working and plan the migration from your current hosting provider. The entire course of action typically takes at most 24-48 hours and as soon as our tech support team sets everything up on our end, they will test each and every Internet site to confirm that everything is functioning correctly. You may then point your domains to our cloud Internet hosting platform and given that the content shall be exactly the same on both ends, there will be virtually no downtime, hence the Internet site visitors will not observe any service interruptions. You can take advantage of our totally free service and save time and efforts even if you wish to transfer many websites and the only restriction is that they shouldn't be designed with a closed site builder like Yola, Wix or Jimdo as these platforms don't allow their users to access the files of the sites developed on their end.