Varnish in Shared Web Hosting
Varnish is available as an optional upgrade with all our shared web hosting. You can add it to your website hosting account from the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which is available with all shared hosting packages and you will get an exceptionally intuitive GUI, which will give you complete control over the content caching system. Using one-click quick-access controls, you can restart or terminate any of the instances, i.e. Varnish will no longer be enabled for a given Internet site. You can also see an elaborate log or erase the cache for any of the websites. When you add Varnish to your web hosting package, you will be able to select the maximum amount of memory that will be available to you for caching purposes and the number of the websites that will use Varnish. You can always add more memory in increments of 32 megabytes and, for best performance, you can allocate a dedicated IP to the sites that will use Varnish. This will permit you to take full advantage of your sites and to have many pleased site users.
Varnish in Semi-dedicated Servers
The semi-dedicated servers that we offer will allow you to use Varnish once your brand new account has been opened, as the content caching platform is available by default. 64 MB of system memory will be assigned to Varnish the second your account is activated, so you can use this load distribution software once your website has been launched online. If you’re in need of more system memory, you can order 32 megabytes at a time from the Upgrades section of the Hepsia Control Panel and it will be allocated to your semi-dedicated server instantly. You can also increase the number of the websites that employ Varnish, or the so-called ‘instances’, which are not directly tied to the amount of system memory that you use, which means that you will enjoy more freedom. The Varnish platform will significantly lower the load on the machine that your websites produce, so your website visitors can enjoy fast-loading pages. You will be able to manage the Varnish platform with ease through your Control Panel using quick-access buttons. You will be able to start/delete any of the instances that you’ve got, to delete the cached data associated with any of your websites or to check system log files.