Lots of script-driven apps, especially paid content management systems, encode their files so as to make sure that they won't be reverse engineered or tampered with. Most of them use an app known as ionCube PHP Encoder to do that, so if you acquire a paid script and you want to install it in a hosting account, a software instrument called ionCube Loader needs to be present on the server. Without this, you cannot install the script or in case you somehow find a way to do this, it will not work efficiently as almost all of the script code will be encrypted to a degree where it can't be interpreted. That's why, you should ensure that ionCube Loader is present if you get a fresh website hosting account and you would like to work with some paid web application. If you buy a shared web hosting account and the tool is not present, it cannot be added since the whole server PHP environment will have to be compiled again.

IonCube in Shared Web Hosting

IonCube Loader is supplied with every single shared web hosting that we supply and you will be able to enable it at any time with just a couple of clicks, so you can employ script applications that require it. You'll be able to do this through the PHP Configuration area of the Hepsia Control Panel and all it takes to enable or deactivate ionCube is to click a single button. The change will take effect within a minute, therefore you're able to proceed and set up the application that you need without delay. The very same section allows you to change the PHP version that is active for your account, as we support a variety of releases on our state-of-the-art cloud hosting platform. In case you move to a version that you have never used to date, you will need to activate ionCube Loader once again. Experienced users can use a php.ini file in a specific domain folder in order to set a PHP version different from the one for the whole account or enable/disable ionCube Loader.

IonCube in Semi-dedicated Servers

If you purchase a semi-dedicated server package from our company, you can use any script-driven application that needs ionCube Loader since the tool is available on all servers which are a part of our cutting-edge cloud website hosting platform. We also support different versions of PHP, so if you move from PHP 4, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 8.0, 8.1, 8.2, for example, you can activate ionCube for that particular version with only a click from your Hepsia Control Panel. Our platform will remember your choice, and if you move back to the previous version of PHP, the software tool will already be active. For more tech-savvy users, we also offer the option to choose the PHP version and whether ionCube will be active or not for a specific domain name without altering the settings for the whole website hosting account. This is done by putting a php.ini file inside a domain folder with a few lines of program code.