SPF, which means Sender Policy Framework, is an e-mail safety system, which is used to confirm whether an e-mail message was sent by an official server. Employing SPF protection for a particular domain will stop the faking of email addresses generated with the domain. In simple words: enabling this feature for a domain creates a special record in the Domain Name System (DNS) containing the IP addresses of the servers that are allowed to send e-mail messages from mailboxes using the domain. The moment this record propagates globally, it exists on all of the DNS servers that route the Internet traffic. Any time an e-mail message is sent, the first DNS server it goes through tests whether it comes from an accredited server. If it does, it's sent to the destination address, yet if it doesn't originate from a server part of the SPF record for the particular domain, it's discarded. Thus nobody can mask an email address and make it look as if you are e-mailing spam messages. This technique is also called email spoofing.

SPF Protection in Shared Web Hosting

SPF protection can be activated for each domain hosted in a shared web hosting account on our cloud platform with no more than a couple of mouse-clicks. The option can be found in the Emails section of our state-of-the-art Hepsia Control Panel and all it takes to use it is to select one of your domains from a drop-down menu and then type in the hostnames along with the IPv4 or IPv6 addresses of the email servers which will be authorized to send email messages from your email addresses. As an additional option you may also restrict the emails to be sent from your domain name only when it includes our MX records, i.e. when our servers manage the email addresses for it, not some third-party provider. This feature gives you the top standard of security, but it's not applicable when only your web site is on our servers while your email addresses for the domain name are managed in another place. In either case, our SPF protection service will keep your emails secure from being used for spam and/or scam purposes.

SPF Protection in Semi-dedicated Servers

When you have a semi-dedicated server account from us, you can protect your emails by enabling the SPF security service for every domain in the account with only a couple of mouse-clicks. This is done in the Emails section of the Hepsia Control Panel that is provided with the semi-dedicated accounts and even if you lack previous experience with these issues, you will not have any difficulties to enable the security. Everything that you will need to do is to select a domain name from a drop-down menu and then type the mail server hostname and IPv4 or IPv6 address. When the updated record propagates, messages from your e-mail addresses will be mailed globally only if they were sent from that specific server. If your e-mail addresses are taken care of by us and not by some third-party supplier, you can also benefit from an option for e-mail messages to be mailed only if the domain has our MX records and the aforementioned would be the most secure option. In case you have any questions about thisfeature, you can get in touch with our tech support crew 24/7.